How brands are thriving in the virtual world of Roblox

Roblox is an online gaming platform that has taken the world by storm in recent years. With over 164 million monthly active users, Roblox has become a cultural phenomenon and a household name for many young people. The platform is essentially a virtual playground where users can create and play games and connect with other players.

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Marketing Psychology & Consumer Behaviour (part 2)

Tri Component Attitude model

The decision-making process plays a critical role in shaping consumer behaviour. A better understanding of the decision-making process can help marketers develop effective strategies to influence consumer behaviour. People make decisions formed through three different components, also called the "Tri Component Attitude Model"  (Schiffman, 2010)

The cognitive component focuses on the consumer’s knowledge and beliefs, about products and services (Schiffman, 2010). The affective component refers to the consumer’s emotions or feelings (Schiffman, 2010). For example, think about colours of packaging that attract or make you feel positive. The cognitive component refers to the behaviour that results from the attitude (Schiffman, 2010). It is often considered an expression of the consumer’s intention to purchase. For example, shopping, tasting bread, looking at packaging. 

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Marketing Psychology & Consumer behaviour (part 1)

The concept of "thinking fast and slow" is a fascinating topic. It explains the differentiation between two types of mental processes; System 1 and System 2. Kahneman (2012) explains how System 1 works almost automatically, and allows one to draw a conclusion without much information (fast and intuitive). System 2, on the other hand, works the other way around. System 2 consists of thinking consciously, processing information and drawing conclusions based on that (slow and analytical).

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Understanding your customers & realizing a perfect customer experience

Target market thinking is in fact: putting on glasses that allow you to look at your target group differently. With which you not only see the outside (the facts), but also the inside (someone's personal motivations). Target group thinking is daring to look beyond what your first impression says. Not the cold numbers, but experience and emotion are the magic words. 

Some examples of brands that have fully stepped into the skin of the consumer, and thereby realizing a perfect customer experience are Netflix and Amazon.  

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10 Captivating Brand Campaigns From Around the World Pt. 2

10 Captivating Brand Campaigns From Around the World Pt. 2

Engaging your audience and capturing their attention means cutting through the noise and leaving a lasting impression. Branded merchandise is everywhere — from promotional pens and water bottles to tote bags and more — so in order for campaigns to be successful, brands need to connect with their audience in a way that aligns with their values. 

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What Is Basket Size and How Do You Increase It?

What Is Basket Size and How Do You Increase It?

Getting a clear understanding of what customers are adding to their carts will go a long way when it comes to optimising your sales and marketing efforts. More specifically, tracking insights around the average basket size (ABV) will allow businesses to devise strategies that drive even more conversions.

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